Registration and Morning Coffee
Opening Remarks
What Are the Biggest Challenges for PR Pros in 2020 and How to Overcome Them
This interactive session will focus on the biggest challenges in today's fast changing PR industry, including:
- Fake news: why facts matter and what to do when you or your client is being targeted by fake news
- Cyber crime: educate your workforce on potential threats, identify which data needs to be absolutely protected and key threats, plan in advance and how to rebuild trust with consumers after a cyber-attack.
- Handling crises involving workplace harassment and misconducts
Robyn Jenkins Blum, Head of Business Critical Communications, Cisco
The New Normal: Building Trust in an Age of Cyber-Attacks
The expanding threat landscape and new business innovation is leading to an increase in cyberattacks—the average number of security breaches in the last year grew by 11 percent from 130 to 145, states the Ninth Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study by Accenture and Ponemon Institute.
Organizations spend more than ever to deal with the costs and consequences of more sophisticated attacks— the average cost of cybercrime for an organization increased US$1.4 million to US$13.0 million.
This interactive session will help you educate your workforce on potential threats, identify which data needs to be absolutely protected and key threats, plan in advance and how to rebuild trust with consumers after a cyber-attack.
Greg Vanier, VP, Crisis and Reputation Risk & National Lead of Data Security and Privacy, Edelman Canada
Interactive Discussion with Speakers and Delegate
Lunch for Speakers and Delegates
How to Protect Your Staff and Reputation in 2020
- Create or update your organization's risk communications plan
- Build a rapid-response internal culture that's ready for emergencies
- Work with legal to ensure social media compliance and risk mitigation
- Quickly make use of your intranet and digital channels in risk situations
Nancy Bistritz-Balkan, Director, Cybersecurity Communications Program, McKesson
Understanding the New Methods for Monitoring a Crisis
- Taking a data driven approach to decision making – before, during and after a crisis
- How to use data to decide if a crisis is going to escalate or quiet down
- The rise of fake news sites – and how to take a proactive approach to protect your brand
Katie Creaser, Senior VP, ICR
Interactive Discussion with Speakers and Delegates
Networking and Refreshment Break
Escape from Mayo Clinic: Responding to Damaging and Inaccurate Reporting
Ginger Plumbo, communications manager at Mayo Clinic, will share an in-depth case study about an alarming national media story that cast Mayo Clinic in a negative light. She’ll share lessons learned from the situation and Mayo Clinic’s response to the story after it aired. The session will be a chance to learn about Mayo Clinic’s issues management process and the work that went into taking the unusual step of pushing back publicly against the story.
Ginger Buxa Plumbo, Communications Manager, Issues & Crisis Communications, Mayo Clinic
Case Study: Michigan Medicine Deals with Communication Crisis After Family Blocks Brain Death Examination Using Social Media and Traditional Media Pressure
After a cardiac arrest brought on by an asthma attack, a 14-year-old boy fails a brain death examination at our children’s hospital. A second test is needed to finalize brain death and allow caregivers to take him off mechanical ventilation. The family blocks the second test. Mom goes to Facebook and traditional media with tearful pleas for more time and harsh criticism of our treatment. Within two weeks, she attracts a Facebook following of 10,000, gets support from national advocates, spurs protesters outside the hospital … and we end up in court, drawing extensive media coverage.
In this talk, Mary will discuss how Michigan Medicine handled HIPPA concerns as media coverage snowballed, how legal decisions influenced communication and the fascinating way that social media amplified this case.
Mary Masson, Director of Public Relations, Michigan Medicine
Interactive Discussion with Speakers and Delegates
End of Day One
Morning Coffee
Communicating Under Scrutiny: Crisis Communications Workshop By Daniel Tisch, President & CEO, Argyle Public Relationships
- Understanding the importance of reputation and reputation capital
- Key dimensions of reputation: products & services, citizenship and governance
- Crisis preparedness: What is it and what does it mean for your organization?
- What defines a crisis?
- Crisis planning
- Crisis vs issues: definitions
- Roles and responsibilities
- Key principles of crisis communications
- Message development: the 5Cs
- Managing the media: redusing risk, seizing opportunity
- What they did right: case study in exceeding expectations
- Seven habits of highly effective strategists