Global PR Trends Summit Jordan

November 16, 2014 - November 17, 2014, in Amman, Jordan

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Global PR Trends Summit Jordan

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November 16, 2014 - November 17, 2014, in Amman, Jordan

About the Event

Hello Jordan! Welcome to the country's first ever global PR event. Get your ticket today and master the latest trends in crisis communications, social media, reptuation management and CSR.


Piers Rosenfeld-Schreiber BT

Colleen Harris Former Press Secretary To Princes Charles, William And Harry

Heather Mitchell Unilever Hair Care

Patrick Jephson Former Chief Of Staff To Princess Diana

Mary Jo Jacobi Former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, Former Assistant US Commerce Secretary for President George H.W. Bush, British Civil Service Commissioner

Alex Malouf Schneider Electric

Donald Steel Former Chief Communications Advisor, BBC

Amjad Tadros ShooFeeTV

Jumana Twal Bidaya Corporate Communications

Jonathan Woodier Santander UK

Mohammed Rahma Advisor to the Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation for Media and Communications


Day One
Sunday, 16th November 2014


Registration And Morning Coffee


Chairman’s Opening Remarks- Donald Steel, Former Chief Advisor, BBC


Opening Keynote Presentation By Zain Jordan


Case Study: Crisis Communication During the Crisis in Egypt - Protecting Your Company in Times of Uncertainty

Mohammed Rahma, Advisor to the Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation for Media and Communications


Interactive Discussion With The Speakers


Networking And Refreshment Break


Building And Maintaining A Strong Local And Global Reputation: Lessons Learned By The Iron Lady Of PR

Mary Jo Jacobi, Presidential Advisor And Former Chief Communications Officer, BP America, Royal Dutch Shell, Lehman Brothers and HSBC

What Has Working For Princess Diana Taught Me About Reputation

Patrick Jephson, Former Private Secretary, Princess Diana And New York Times Bestselling Author, Shadows Of A Princess


Lunch And Networking Break


Crisis Communications Simulation Session: Crisis In A Social Media World

In this interactive session led by Donald Steel, one of the world’s biggest crisis experts, articipants will be divided into groups and each group will select a spokesperson who will be interviewed on the particular crisis situation.
The simulation will also include a press conference where the spokespeople have to answer journalist questions.

Donald Steel, Former Chief Communications Advisor, BBC


End Of Day One

Day Two
Monday, 17th November 2014


Morning Coffee


Chairman’s Opening Remarks


Regional Panel: PR Trends And Opportunities In Jordan

Amjad Tadros,
Founder And CEO, ShooFee TV
Jumana Twal, CEO, Bidaya


Lessons Learned On Reputation From Working With The British Royal Family

Colleen Harris, Former Press Secretary To Prince Charles and Princes William and Harry


Networking And Refreshment Break


Using Strategic Communications To Restore Your Company's Reputation

Jonathan Woodier, Head Strategic Communications,

Santander UK


Integrating Social Media Into Your Existing PR Strategy: What Works And What Doesn’t

Alex Malouf,
Corporate Communications Manager, Arabian Peninsula


Rich Content And Partnerships As Tools For Successful PR And Marketing Campaigns

Piers Schreiber
, VP Corporate Communications, Jumeirah Group


Interactive Discussion With Jonathan, Alex and Piers


Lunch For Speakers And Delegates


Interactive Workshop On PR Measurement:

Identifying The Latest Trends In PR Measurement And The Role Of The
Barcelona Principles In PR Measurement

Andre Manning, VP Corporate Communications,


End Of Global PR Trends Summit

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