Successfully Implement A CSR Business Strategy And Master Sustainability Reporting 1

February 10, 2016 - February 11, 2016, in Cairo, Egypt

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Successfully Implement A CSR Business Strategy And Master Sustainability Reporting 1

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February 10, 2016 - February 11, 2016, in Cairo, Egypt

About the Event

Corporate Social Responsibility (Social Responsibility) is a process which aims to embrace responsibility for your organization's actions which encourages a positive impact on the environment, consumers, employees, communities and all of your stakeholders.

Developing a successful strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility has become essential for business and organisational success in the 21st Century.

This workshop will enable you to acquire the knowledge and skills to develop and implement an integrated CSR strategy that drives your business's performance and creates value for you and all of your stakeholders.

This workshop is tailor made for all PR, communications, CSR and sustainability professionals looking to implement a world class CSR programme and successfully create CSR reporting with the GRI-G4 system.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Build a Corporate Responsibility programme that adds value to your business 
  • Utilise social innovation into your CSR programmes 
  • Align and integrate your CSR strategy with your business objectives 
  • Deliver sustainable benefits for your business
  • Create a CSR report with the GRI-G4 system


Professor Dr Geoffrey Williams Williams Business Consultancy, Singapore


Day One, 10th February 2016

Registration will be at 8.00 on Day One. Both workshop days will commence at 08:30 and conclude at 14:30 with lunch. Refreshments will be served at appropriate intervals. 

The world spotlight is on businesses' corporate responsibility and accountability. Progressive business leaders are embracing the principles of corporate responsibility and sustainability, and taking steps to embed them throughout their organisations. 
This comprehensive workshop will formalise firm foundations to build your CSR function and strategy on to meet your business's objectives. It will then share the detailed steps in executing an integrated CSR strategy that drives sustainability and links your programmes to the core business operations. 
  • Building inspiring and value-based Corporate Responsibility programmes
  • Creating sustainable impacts with social innovation
  • Local and international best practice in CSR and how to apply them in practice
  • Aligning your CSR strategy with your business objectives to drive operational performance
  • CSR Integration: How to formulate and implement a step-by-step guide to execute CSR strategy holistically across your business
  • Delivering sustainable benefits for your business and community with well-aligned CSR and sustainability strategies
  • Our Greatest Imaginable Social Responsibility Challenges
  • What is Social Responsibility for us?
  • What are we doing now?
  • What do we need to do in future?
  • Mapping and Understanding Our Stakeholders
  • Who are our Stakeholders?
  • What are their main concerns?
  • How can we prioritise and focus on their needs?
Day Two, 11th February 2016
Basic CSR Reporting with the GRI-G4 System
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4) is the best practice standard for CSR reporting. It aims to make non-financial reporting as straight-forward and comparable as normal financial accounts.
  • What do you report and how do you report it?
  • How do you write a basic CSR report?
  • Recent evolution and trends in CSR reporting
  • Assessment techniques to identify gaps in CSR reporting
  • Alignment of CSR reporting with opportunities for improving performance management
  • Case studies of good and bad approaches to CSR reporting
  • Effective methods for communicating non-financial performance
This session on GRI will describe in detail how the GRI-G4 guidelines work, what data is required and how you can begin to meet the challenges of this new framework.
  • Global Reporting Initiative (G4) Guidelines - G4 Overview
  • Stakeholder Analysis - Who are you addressing and what are their concerns?
  • Materiality - What does it mean and how do we assess it?
  • Setting the boundaries and scope of the report
This session will look at the basic structure of a GRI-G4 Report and describe in detail how to approach the reporting process using the guidelines and protocols of the G4 framework. We will cover:
  • Report structure
  • Stakeholder assessment and Materiality
  • Disclosure on Management Approach - DMA
  • Reporting protocols
  • Understanding performance indicators
This final session will show you how to add the finishing touches to your report. We will cover approaches to auditing and verification, how the CSR report can be used as the basis for development of company strategy and look at some of the most effective communications processes when your report is finished.
  • Audit techniques to identify gaps in CSR reporting
  • Alignment of CSR reporting with opportunities for improving performance management
  • Case studies of good and bad approaches to CSR reporting
  • Effective methods for communicating non-financial performance

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