Introductions and outline of the programme for the course
Risk management in communication: How to build risk communication into daily life.
Short Break
Crisis communication principles: Pre Covid-19 and what happens next
Building networks to support your response: The importance of diverse voices and working in partnership
Reputational risks: How to identify them, how they differ from other crises, and learning to live with them
Creating effective communication plans for the top risks
Case studies and questions
End of Day One
Creating a co-ordinated crisis communication response: What matters? What should matter?
Tackling disinformation in 2022 and beyond
Short break
Making effective decisions under pressure: Developing self-awareness, understanding biases, and building resilience
Lunch break
Contingency Planning and future proofing your crisis communication response
Mini exercise to look at an issue and work through key thoughts,issues and decision making
End of Crisis Communications Masterclass