Crisis Communications Workshop With Donald Steel
12th May 2017, Skopje, Macedonia
About the Event
In this intensive, full day workshop, international crisis communications guru Donald Steel will share his experiences and insights in how to develop and execute a strategy that will help your organization or clients weather inevitable crises.
Attending this workshop will enable you to:
• Conduct a vulnerability audit to assess potential crisis scenarios
• Create a core message that can be communicated across all social media channels
• Properly monitor your social media channels for potential problems
• Coach your spokesperson on the tough questions they may face from the media
• Engage the media and address misinformation and negative commentary
Meet Your Crisis Communications Guru

Donald Steel Former Chief Communications Advisor, BBC
Master the latest trends in crisis communications with the world's leading crisis guru.
Registration And Morning Coffe
Opening Session: A Real Life Crisis Scenario
Analyzing The Importance Of Reputation And Reputation Management: What is Reputation?
•Building trust
•Case studies of good and bad examples of reputation management
Writing A Crisis Plan: The Role Of Executives
Networking And Refreshment Break
Key Principles Of Crisis Management: Writing A Crisis Statement
Managing The Media
This segment will include key tips in managing the media, giving broadcast interviews and the essentials of organizing a good press conference
Lunch For Speakers And Delegates
Interactive Crisis Simmulation
Participants will be divided into groups and each group will select a spokesperson who will be interviewed on the particular crisis situation. As the crisis develops, other spokespeople will be taken.
The simulation will also include a press conference where the spokespeople have to answer journalist questions.
End of Workshop